3-day course
November 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Central London
With all the team: Janna Hüneke, Abigail Burrows, Simon Gilliver and Holly Cook,
and guest artist Michael Cox
Ensemble playing
Parallel classes for different levels
Master classes
Movement and breath-work workshop with Caroline Clarke
Just Flutes stand (Saturday)
Individual lessons option
Play-with-piano option (Friday)
Enjoy playing in a fun, relaxed, supportive environment
Friday only: Individual lessons and play-with-piano time, bookable 1 -5pm
NB there will be no piano-time on Sat/Sun because of limited room availability.
Saturday: 10am - 4.30pm NB Saturday is now fully booked
Sunday (with Michael Cox): 10am - 4.30pm
For adults and young people of most standards. Recommended levels: Grade 4 through to Diploma+.
An easy guide to the three days:
See all the different options explained here
and if you still have questions or doubts, please email us.
This church has large airy spaces so there will be safe distancing for all participants.
Covid precautions:​
We may ask you to take a lateral flow test the night before, depending on the current guidelines. If you test positive, you won't be able to attend and will receive your money back, when we receive your test result by email.
We will provide tea, coffee and biscuits but ask you to bring your own cup & a packed lunch
Refunds will be issued only if the event has to be cancelled due to events beyond our control
St. Marien Church
10 Sandwich Street London WC1H 9PL
King's Cross, St. Pancras, Euston stations are all nearby. It's about 0.4 miles walk from King's Cross station. There is no cheap parking in the area, so we advise using public transport.

We will provide tea, coffee and biscuits but ask you to bring a packed lunch (or there are nice cafes nearby). Bring your own cup for convenience if you like. In good weather there is a lovely courtyard for sitting outside.
Refunds will be issued only if the event has to be cancelled due to events beyond our control